TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB Tutorial (How to upload Kubernetes, Docker, CSV, JSON data)
2 min readAug 31, 2024
How to learn InfluxDB with writing code in python.
Part1 : TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB V2 Tutorial
1. How to setup InfluxDB with Docker?
2. Explanation of building blocks of InfluxDB like TimeSeries Database, Buckets, Measurements, Tags, Fields
3. What is LineProtocol?
4. How to write data to InfluxDB with UI?
5. How to Query your data from InfluxDB with UI?
6. How to Visualize the data on InfluxDB UI?
Part2 : TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB V2 Tutorial : Load data from your app to InfluxDB
1. How to setup pre-requisites to write client to load data to Influxdb
1.1 Install dependency (influxdb-client)
1.2 Generate API token & setup to use in client code
1.3 Create a dedicated bucket
2. How to write python client to load the data
3. Verify whether data loaded by python is correct or not
4. Visualize the data on InfluxDB UI with various graphs & raw values in table form
Part3 : TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB V2 Tutorial : Load data from CSVs to InfluxDB
1. How to setup CSV generation in regular interval
2. How to GET/READ latest generated CSV file from given location
3. Parse CSV file data & Create LineProtocol for all data points
4. Load the data points
5. Verify whether data loaded by python is correct or not
6. Visualize the data on InfluxDB UI with various graphs & raw values in table form
Part4 : TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB V2 Tutorial : Load docker container stats for CPU/Memory to InfluxDB
1. Extract CPU/Memory for docker container with docker client
2. Build data point with extracted CPU/Memory
3. Load the built data points to influxdb
4. Verify whether data loaded by python is correct or not
5. Visualize the data on InfluxDB UI with various graphs & raw values in table form
Part5 : TimeSeries Database : InfluxDB V2 Tutorial : Load kubernetes pod stats for CPU/Memory to Influxdb
1. Extract CPU/Memory for kubernetes pods for given namespace with python
2. Build data point with extracted CPU/Memory for all pods in given namespace
3. Load the built data points to influxdb
4. Verify whether data loaded by python is correct or not
5. Visualize the data on InfluxDB UI with various graphs & raw values in table form
Please feel free to reach out to me in case you have problem in any of the part of the series. Thanks for watching… Stay Healthy & Keep learning new things.